Loreto College St Albans

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Sixth Form Applications

We have a very successful Sixth Form at Loreto and although the majority of our intake in Year 12 is from our current Year 11, we warmly welcome applications from students who are currently at different secondary settings.

The application process will open in early November 2023, and the deadline for all applications is 22 January 2024. Please submit your application form to the box at main reception, by post to Mrs Higgins, or by email to chiggins@loreto.herts.sch.uk

Do take some time to read through our handbook as this will not only give you a good understanding of our setting and ethos, but also detailed information on each subject we offer, and where our students went onto study in 2023.

Students will be invited for interview after the closing date that applies to them.

16-19 Offer

We require all students to have 5 passes at GCSE in order to be offered a place at Loreto Sixth Form. You will note from the handbook that the majority of A level subjects require a minimum of a grade 6 therefore if you do have five passes at GCSE but some are not grade 6, please speak to us about your options and we can offer you the best advice going forward.

sixth form information brochure 2023.pdf



sixth form application form 2024.pdf