Loreto College St Albans

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Our exams officer is Chris Young : exams@loreto.herts.sch.uk

Invigilator Recruitment

We are looking to recruit new invigilators to help us run exams at Loreto College. The role would involve working with a really great team to make sure the exams run as smoothly as possible. You would arrive before the exam start time and help to prepare the room and our exams officer would brief you on the details of the exam running on that day and the access arrangements for the students in the room. You would then monitor the students during the exam and assist them if they need something (equipment/extra paper etc.) or if they have a problem. We would then finish the exam and you would be involved with the collection and organisation of the exam papers and resetting the room for the next exam. 

The role is a flexible position which would involve helping run our mock exam series, of which we have two a term with each series lasting 1-2 weeks; You would then be involved in helping with our summer exam series which runs from 12 May until 20 June (with 1 week off for half term). Applicants would have flexibility to work as much or as little of these weeks as they wanted, especially during the mock exams (and missing a whole mock exam session would not be a problem). We have the option for you to work morning sessions, afternoons, or all day.  

If you are interested in the position, please contact our exams officer, Chris Young, who can answer any questions, and provide you with an application form: exams@loreto.herts.sch.uk