Loreto College St Albans

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School Council

Welcome to the Loreto School Council webpage, written by the students for the students.

We make sure that all Loreto students have a voice about what goes on in our school, whether it’s by suggesting a different way of doing things or just raising a query about things that affect the student body. We also help the teachers who run the school, as they get our opinions on any new ideas they are considering. We are also involved in interviews for new teachers.

We meet once a week, every Monday afternoon for about 20 minutes. Every meeting is minuted, and the minutes are distributed to every form. We also expect our reps to discuss with their forms the issues which are most relevant to them. If we arrange any events for the students, we make sure that posters or notes about these are put into registers.

The weekly meeting provides a safe and constructive space for reps to shares points raised by members of their form. These might include issues relating to the canteen, maintenance, clubs and school uniform. Sometimes the reps’ attention is focused on organising fund raising events for worthwhile charitable causes, alongside raising awareness about important issues such as sustainability and student well-being.

The School Council reaches decisions on the matters it discusses by holding a votes supervised by the Chairperson. We may vote about whether we think an issue should get any more attention, or what we think we should do next. Sometimes we may vote that one of our reps should arrange to meet with a relevant member of staff to discuss an issue on our behalf.

The school council makes sure that it takes action in response to the decisions it makes. We work as a team in an organised, efficient and prompt manner. We expect each member of the council to play to her own strengths, but everyone must contribute in some way otherwise we won’t achieve as much as we want to.

School Council Representatives are elected once a year. First of all pupils are nominated by their form groups. If they are happy to take on the role, they will explain to their form why they think they should be given this responsibility, then a vote will take place.