Loreto College St Albans

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Year 7 French Play Review: Le château

Many students kindly volunteered to be part of the play and they did a wonderful job.

Félicitations to Marley-Rose Rennocks, Emma Skingle, Louis Kalli, Eliza Kierons and Florence Sharp!

Alexa 7T

I think the play was very interesting and interactive/ I really enjoyed it.  The play was about a servant of the king who was finding a beautiful lady for him. I was easily able to understand the French and it was very funny.  Thank you to the actors.

Jessie Adu- Nyako 7T

On Friday, the Onatti theatre company came to Loreto College and was personally the highlight of my day! Two actors performed a French play to Yr 7 called ‘Le château’, where an English knight is sent to France by King Henry VIII to find a beautiful wife for him and paint a portrait of her.  The play was really fun and in my opinion the best part of the performance was when William was riding his horse, Hercules, but it was actually just a pony stick.  It was hilarious and I could not stop laughing. 

It was a fun experience and I’m sure my friends will agree that this was a really enjoyable play.