Loreto College St Albans

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Readathon (update)

Yan 8S looks on as Sam 10S and her sister Shan 10S read for ‘Just 6 Minutes’  in the comfy setting of The Odyssey Cinema after watching the 1993 classic Hocus Pocus.  

Years 10-13 were challenged to read fiction for 'Just 6 Minutes' a day during Reading Week (16-20 October), and during half term, as a way of by reducing stress and improving their mental health.  Pupils in years 7-9 were asked to read as much as they can and, if possible, get sponsored for their efforts.  All money raised goes to Readathon who provide new books for seriously ill children in hospital, helping to take their mind of their treatment.  For more information on Readathon or to make a donation, please visit: 

Readathon - find out how it all works and how to get your school involved. (readforgood.org)