Loreto College St Albans

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Author Talk - Ally Sherrick

Ally Sherrick, award-winning author of stories full of history, mystery and adventure gave an inspiring talk to Years 7 & 8 to celebrate World Book Day, International Women's Day and National Careers Week!  
Ally describes herself as 'Time Traveller' with her time machine being in her head - her imagination!  She has a passion for history which is evident in her writing.  Her first book, Black Powder, won the Historical Association's Young Quills Award and follows the adventures of a young boy caught up in the Gunpowder Plot.  She secured an agent for this book by winning a competition to pitch her novel in 10 words or less.  The prize was an agent reading the first 2000 words of a novel - the same agent who signed JK Rowling!   He was impressed and the rest as they say is history!  As well as talking about her journey to become an author, Ally also shared her inspirations for her latest book, Vita and the Gladiator.  She is currently working on her fifth book.  
  • "I'm really inspired to read her books, especially Vita and the Gladiator."  Martha 7Y
  • "Ally's world-building is phenomenal!" Yan 8S
  • "I'm inspired to write a book now!" Rebecca 7T
  • "I found it really interesting that Ally struggled with reading at school.  It makes being a writer seem possible if you put the effort in and don't give up." Mia 8J
Copies of her books are available in the library.