Loreto College St Albans

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Yr 9 Student Wins Columban 'Biodiversity Matters' Comp!

Megan-Rose wins 2nd place in Britain!

Megan-Rose in Yr9 has won 2nd place in Britain for her media competition entry of 'Biodiversity Matters’. Columban missionaries asked young people aged 13-18 years to produce a piece of writing or image that demonstrates an awareness and understanding of the issue of biodiversity and highlight people, communities and/or organisations trying to build a sustainable future. Protecting biodiversity - which humanity relies on for health, food and well-being - is a mission priority of Columban missionaries.

Placing 2nd out of 223 entries across Britain and Ireland, Megan’s piece won her a £250 prize! Megan commented that ‘beauty lies in diversity.’

Speaking about the winning images, Columban artist, Fr Jason Antiquera paid tribute to "the richness of images and the depth of colours in the striking artwork".

Jane Mellett of Trócaire, an expert on Laudato Si and biodiversity, said she was "so impressed with all of the finalists" and described the competition as "a great initiative".

You can find Megan’s entry featured alongside the other winners in Universe Catholic Weekly newspaper (page 23).