Loreto College St Albans

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Kimba launches Reading Week to Yrs 7 & 8

RAP Poet and Hip-Hop Artist Kimba gave an energising, fun and educational performance to Years 7 & 8 when he launched Reading Week on Monday 16 October.

Kimba was 11 years old when he wrote is first significant piece of poetry and discovered the power of the written word.  “We all have the power to change the world by what we write”, he passionately told pupils.  He read a selection of his poetry and showed how he applies SHAMPOO to them to create emotion and images in the brain.  SHAMPOO is a literary device which stands for Simile; Hyperbole; Alliteration; Personification; Onomatopoeia; Oxymoron.  His presentation was very interactive and the subject teachers attending with their classes agreed they have never seen so many hands go up so quickly, and all at once, to answer a question!  Near the end of the hour, Kimba treated the pupils to some of his RAP songs including his latest ‘Write the Wrongs’.  All 320 pupils in the audience were on their feet and able to join in as the words were projected onto the white screen.

After his presentation, Kimba ran a workshop for a selection of pupils across the two year groups where they explored in further detail how to add SHAMPOO to their poems.  The hour flew by, and Kimba was very impressed with their writing!

Isidora, 8Y commented: “Kimba’s talk was really fun and exciting, and I learnt how to add SHAMPOO to my poems to give them more power and meaning.”


Sara 7Y and Love, 7Y adding SHAMPOO to their poem during Kimba’s workshop.


Kimba rapping to ‘Write the Wrongs’.


Library Monitors Joy, Amerie and Isobel met with Kimba in the library before his talk.


Pupils rapping along with Kimba


Kimba helping Roxy 7S and Orleta 7S add SHAMPOO to their poem.